Dr. Shan-Adrian Chofla



Pro­fes­sor, Butte Col­lege, Edu­ca­tion, Child and Fam­i­ly Stud­ies Department

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Empa­thy Therapy

Dr. Shaun-Adrián Choflá is a full-time fac­ul­ty mem­ber at Butte Col­lege with a back­ground in ear­ly learn­ing, ear­ly inter­ven­tion, anti-bias edu­ca­tion, and lifes­pan devel­op­ment. He serves as the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor at Empa­thy Ther­a­py, a coun­sel­ing and psy­chi­a­try men­tal health prac­tice serv­ing patients of all ages. A wide range of per­son­al life chal­lenges brought Dr. Choflá to the field of ear­ly care and edu­ca­tion first to under­stand him­self and then lat­er to sup­port oth­ers on their paths.

Dr. Choflá feels con­sid­er­able pride in hav­ing received sev­er­al teach­ing awards, includ­ing the 2019 teacher of the year and the 2018 Butte Col­lege Rotary Edu­ca­tor of the Year. He earned a doc­tor­ate in edu­ca­tion and a master’s degree in human devel­op­ment. Before teach­ing at Butte Col­lege, he served on the fac­ul­ty at Pacif­ic Oaks Col­lege and The Nation­al His­pan­ic Uni­ver­si­ty.

Through the sup­port of oth­ers, Dr. Choflá found his voice and nav­i­gat­ed through a range of per­son­al life strug­gles and now specif­i­cal­ly works as a teacher and com­mu­ni­ty leader to cre­ate mean­ing­ful change. Whether in the class­room or the board­room, he leads through a lens of pos­i­tive social trans­for­ma­tion to thought­ful­ly sup­port the suc­cess of all chil­dren and families.

Dr. Choflá lives in Chico with his hus­band and their pup. The three of them can be found most week­ends explor­ing the beau­ti­ful out­doors of the local area.