Become a Commissioner

The First 5 Butte Children & Families Commission is currently seeking to fill an Alternate Commissioner vacancy. Alternate Commissioners are considered to have the same roles and responsibilities as full Commissioners and are expected to participate in all Commission meetings.

The Commission is comprised of nine Commissioners and two Alternate Commissioners, and welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, with the following affiliations, to participate as Commissioners:

  • Recipients of project services as set forth in the county strategic plan;
  • Educators specializing in early childhood development;
  • Representatives of a local organization for prevention or early intervention for families at risk;
  • Representatives of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting nurturing and early childhood development;
  • Representatives of local school districts;
  • Representatives of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies;
  • The county health officer and/or persons responsible for the management of the following county functions: children's services, public health services, behavioral health services, social services, and tobacco and other substance abuse prevention and treatment services;
  • Representatives of a local child care resource or referral agency, or a local child care coordinating group.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility or application please contact First 5 Butte County.

Roles & Responsibilities

Commissioner Expectations:

  • Serve a three-year appointment

  • Attend six, 3-hour Commission meetings annually

  • Be available to attend Commission meetings during daytime business hours (or later)

  • Complete Commissioner training

  • Submit a Statement of Economic Interest - Form 700

Important Information

Commissioners do not receive financial compensation. The role of each Commissioner is to use their experience and understanding of their community's needs to help guide First 5 Butte County's priorities and funding strategies in a way that reflects the needs of the 0-to-5 population in Butte County. Commissioners are expected to uphold the vision, mission, and values outlined in the First 5 Butte County Children & Families Commission Strategic Plan.