Shelby Boston



Direc­tor, Butte Coun­ty Depart­ment of Employ­ment and Social Services

Ms. Boston began her social ser­vices career with Butte Coun­ty in 1998 as a child pro­tec­tive ser­vices social work­er. Over the past two decades she has held numer­ous lead­er­ship posi­tions includ­ing Assis­tant Direc­tor of Adult and Children’s Ser­vices with­in DESS. Through­out her career Shel­by has worked dili­gent­ly to devel­op and imple­ment pro­grams that meet the needs of the com­mu­ni­ties’ most vul­ner­a­ble and at risk families.

While work­ing as a social work­er, she devel­oped an inter­ac­tive par­ent edu­ca­tion pro­gram which was lat­er suc­cess­ful­ly fund­ed and imple­ment­ed in Butte Coun­ty. In addi­tion, under Shelby’s lead­er­ship, DESS has imple­ment­ed numer­ous inno­v­a­tive ser­vice mod­els and strength­ened col­lab­o­ra­tions through­out Butte Coun­ty. Dur­ing times of dis­as­ters Shel­by has worked to advo­cate for the needs of all of Butte County’s res­i­dents includ­ing the most vul­ner­a­ble 0 – 5 aged children.

Shel­by received her Bachelor’s degree in Health Sci­ence and a Master’s of Social Work from CSU Chico.